Du học Hungary và Đông Âu Bohmann

Lời chào của CEO Bohmann

To whom it may concern,

Bohmann Education provides advice, guidance, and assistance to potential and present students and migrations who seek higher education and visa in Hungary from Vietnam. Be it undergraduate or postgraduate studies, Bohmann Education is an encouraging force behind the adventures to their destined universities. Started in 2019, we provide consulting to admissions, as well as after assistance of enrolment. It makes sure the aspiring students always have experienced and accurate counseling at their disposal.

Bohmann Education started out under one passionate CEO, Dr. Vo Trung Au, who is the president of Vietnamese student’s association in Hungary. Having experienced university education in Hungary, aimed to create an institution that would facilitate incoming students and assist them in navigating the ever-changing corridors of higher education in the country which is the heart of Europe.

The team behind Bohmann is an assortment of various individuals having their proven expertise in Hungary academics. The majority of the members are having acquired proximate knowledge of Hungarian education system. Their marketing managers are multilingual and can communicate in other sub-continent languages than English and Hungarian.

Until now, Bohmann has successfully held six events across Vietnam regarding introduction of Hungarian universities to Vietnamese students, also opened Hungarian Language classes in order to prepare students with sufficient knowledge about the destination countries in both Vietnam and Hungary. The results came out as expected when currently we are getting more information about students who are interested in studying in Hungary. Besides, we are now running the main online forum of about 8000 Vietnamese students are staying and interesting study in Hungary.

We can make sure people can get updated with most reliable information relating to education in the country. Bohmann is primarily driven by the value they can create through the honest and well-experienced consultation services they provide which in return would inspire current and incoming batch of students in achieving their hard-fought academic ambitions.

We are now open to all corporations with Hungarians institutions with programs in both English and Hungarian. We have our offices in both Vietnam and Hungary in order to ensure the transparency of information and business convenience. We commit to bring mutual success to the students and educators, strengthen the relationship between the two education systems in the future

Hungary, 21/07/2020                                                                        Bohmann Hungary CEO

                                                                                                                      Dr. Vo Trung Au

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